BullSwap, the Direct Competitor to Uniswap and Other DeFi Exchanges With Its Strong Technological and Financial Potential

October 2020: On the one hand,Bullswap, a DeFi exchange platform is built to be a simple user engaging interface exchange channel with maximum gas efficiency, zero rent extraction and censorship resistance. Uniswap, on the other hand, brings two distinct exchange versions viz; V1 and V2. Uniswap’s V2 is an ultimate upgrade of V1, and being a decentralised exchange built on Ethereum,it has accumulated a whopping $ 2billion in total valuation by the end of September 2020. Uniswap’s V2 comprises new and improved features which are flashswaps, code architecture, technical improvements, sustainability path,testnet and launch details, price oracle, ERC 20 and ERC 20 pairs. Bullswap’s outstanding features include; null registration, full automation, instant swap, security, liquidity addition and distributed ledger technology.DeFi has been the focal point of the global exchange economy in recent years, an effort aimed at eradicating mundane models of exchange, while solving issues related to transparency since the DeFi applications are quickly transforming financial blueprints to protocols devoid of intermediaries. Bullswap allows access for users to directly swap ERC 20 token to other ERC 20 token pairs with a solitary trading transaction within the shortest possible time. Here, users can freely deposit equal amounts of predominant ERC 20 tokens for pool tokens while exercising their full responsibility in the identification of input and output tokens and thus Bullswap calculates the amount received by each individual token user with ease.

DeFi has kept undergoing continuous improvement of crypto trading, in its quality management system. They are currently providing the simplest and most cost-effective means for exchanging ERC tokens while availing liquidity. This, they do, by embracing the P2P network, where they build intermediary free market spaces at a global scale.

Bullswap has managed to keep her position at the helm of DEX trading against reputable decentralised exchange platforms like Bancor,Uniswap, IDEX, OX and Uniswap.

Today though,Uniswap is the sole largest exchange on DeFi, posting volumes larger than most centralised exchanges.It thus,has completely revolutionalised DeFi, bringing billions of dollars on board and sparking a rebirth in automatic market maker (AMM) design. This is predominantly the Uniswap’s key selling features.However, unbundling of Uniswap is inevitable. To be able to understand the market trajectory, it’s imperative to note the four key features Uniswap bundles together, which are namely; decentralised inventory provision,a fixed fee model,a flat rate of 0.3% fee on every trade, always-on price quotes and a constant product fixing function of X*Y=K. There is a huge challenge to dismantle the foresaid bundle and open the market wider,which is what Bullswap has hugely capitalized on.

A decentralised provision for inventory

This provides that a new Uniswap pool to act like a new market-making startup which, like most startups, would need operational capital, meaning if you wanted to make a market like REN or ETH, your pool has to fundraise for its inventory from

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