Ethereum in Depth: Smart Contracts – Part 2: How to Create and Publish a Smart Contract

Mist Download Link:
Solidity Documentation:
Remix IDE:
Rinkeby Testnet Faucet:

[!Outdated!] Faucet How To: PLEASE NOTE: in order to get testnet ether just follow the directions on the faucet’s website (link above) instead of this how to video. Instead of using GitHub gists, you now just post your address from one of your social media pages. (It will probably be easier for you than it was before) The reason they require you to do that is to prevent people from acquiring so much testnet ether that one could run attacks on the network… You’re limited to like 20 ether every 3 days which is more than enough for testing.

In this video we create a sample smart contract that will split any ether that is sent to it equally between 5 addresses.

It can be used as a simple payroll contract. Each of the 5 addresses are our pretend employees that will call the ‘withdraw’ function to “collect their paycheck”.

Everything takes place on the test network.

If you want to tip this video here is an ethereum address for this video: 0x631781ec9b44c7b5c4e9ea47fa122825f6c7a0c6


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